The Ibn Battuta Centre is involved, through IRSPS, in the collection of the lithologies that will be used to test the driller of ExoMars. The ExoMars driller is built by Selex Galileo (Milan, Italy) and will be on board the rover of the ESA mission to Mars ExoMars. This mission will perform drilling as deep as 2 m and it will be the first time that we will have direct information on the Martian subsurface. Testing the driller is of paramount importance in order to understand the behaviour of the instrument. The Ibn Battuta Centre and IRSPS are collecting the samples that will be used in testing the driller performances in an indoor facility with controlled environments, water/ice content, etc. The collection of samples was carried out in different environments such as volcanoes, hydrothermal vents, deserts and mountains. It is an intriguing activity where geology, geo-technique, and engineering meet.
The rim of the caldera from the crater floor
A fumarole in the crater floor
Riccardo collecting sample for ExoMars drill test
Fumaroles on the rim of the caldera.
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